How to Get the Beam Me Up Achievement In Minecraft – Free Guide 2023

Alright, fellow Minecraftians! Ready to shoot for the stars? If you've been wandering the vast expanse of your Minecraft world, you've probably stumbled upon a peculiar challenge: How to Get the Beam Me Up Achievement In Minecraft.
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Alright, fellow Minecraftians! Ready to shoot for the stars? If you’ve been wandering the vast expanse of your Minecraft world, you’ve probably stumbled upon a peculiar challenge: How to Get the Beam Me Up Achievement In Minecraft.

Oh boy, does it sound like something out of a sci-fi movie! But don’t fret; with our trusty guide, you’ll be beaming yourself up in no time! So, grab your blocks and gear, because we’re about to embark on an out-of-this-world adventure.

The Basics of “Beam Me Up” Achievement

First things first: what the heck is the “Beam Me Up” achievement? Well, folks, it’s all about teleporting yourself from one place to another using an End Gateway in the game. Sounds neat, huh?

A Brief History

Ever since Endermen started popping up and those spooky Ender Dragons soared the skies, the realm of the End has been a tantalizing mystery for many a player. And with the introduction of the End Gateway, teleportation became not only a possibility but also a thrilling challenge!

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The Goal

To score this achievement, you need to:

  • Find an End Gateway.
  • Toss an Ender Pearl into it.
  • Teleport yourself to a floating island some 1000 blocks away from the main island.

Seems simple enough? Ha, think again! But don’t worry; we’ve got your back.

How to Get the Beam Me Up Achievement In Minecraft: Step-By-Step

For those who love lists (who doesn’t?), here’s a nifty step-by-step to get you soaring:

  1. Gear Up!
    • Ender Pearls: You’ll need these bad boys. Grab a bunch!
    • Armor and weapons: The End is a dangerous place, buddy.
    • Blocks: For building bridges and platforms.
    • Food: Trust me, you’ll get hungry.
  2. Find the End Portal
    • Hidden in a stronghold, this portal’s a ticket to the End realm.
    • Use Eye of Enders to locate the stronghold. They lead the way!
  3. Defeat the Ender Dragon
    • Oh, did I forget to mention this part? Oops, my bad!
    • The dragon guards the End Gateway. Take her down, and you’re golden!
  4. Spot the End Gateway
    • After you’ve slayed the dragon (Go you!), a gateway appears.
    • It’s a bedrock frame with a single space, filled with a starry substance known as an End Gateway Portal.
  5. Beam Me Up, Steve!
    • Stand close, take a deep breath, and toss an Ender Pearl into that space.
    • Voila! You’re teleported to a new location, and boom, achievement unlocked!

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Tips & Tricks

  • Always keep extra pearls on hand. You never know when you’ll need ’em!
  • If you’re worried about falling into the void, place water on the blocks around the gateway. It’ll save your bacon if you miss the throw!
  • Going in a group? Even better! More hands make light work, especially when tackling that pesky dragon.

Beware the Dangers

Don’t be fooled! While aiming for the “how to get the Beam Me Up Reward in Minecraft”, you’ll face some serious baddies. Endermen lurk in the shadows, and Shulkers might float your way. But chin up! With our guide, you’ll be well-prepared.

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Q: Can I teleport back using the End Gateway?

A: Yup! Just toss another Ender Pearl into the gateway on the floating island. Easy-peasy!

Q: I’ve tossed my Ender Pearl, but nothing’s happening. What gives?

A: Ah, that tricky gateway! Ensure you’re tossing the pearl straight into the starry portal. If you miss, try again. It can be a bit finicky sometimes.

Q: Do I really need to defeat the Ender Dragon to get this achievement?

A: Afraid so, champ! The dragon’s the key. Without defeating her, no End Gateway for you.


There you have it, folks! The universe of Minecraft is vast and mysterious, but with a sprinkle of determination and a dash of fun, any challenge is achievable. So the next time someone asks, to get the Beam Me Up achievement in Minecraft, you’ll not only have the answer but the experience to back it up. Happy teleporting, space cadets! Beam me up, Steve-o!

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